Amashen One ~ Love

The first Amashen empowerment integrates three areas of the body, three aspects of the soul, and three means by which we can unfold in a spiritual sense. The three areas of the body are the head, the heart and the hara or abdomen. Hara is a Japanese word and I use this word here because of the importance attached to the abdomen in Japanese culture and spirituality.
The head is the centre which governs the nervous system, the heart controls the blood flow while the hara contains several vital organs concerned with the formation and the substance of the body.
In India there are said to be three main paths to God or truth: Jnana, Bhakti and Karma.
Jnana is the path of knowledge or gnosis. Gnosis is a direct form of knowledge which is neither academic, technical nor intellectual. It is a non-conceptual and intuitive recognition.
Bhakti is something we are probably more familiar with. It can be seen in religious worship, in adoration or devotion to one's chosen deity. It is a path with a heart, a path of love.
Karma is a path which concerns action which is taken heedless of outcome. It is selfless deeds performed without expectation of reward.
Jnana is of the head, Bhakti is of the heart and Karma is of the hara.
In the spiritual and traditional medical traditions of the Far East there are three components which make up a complete human being. These are called Heaven, Man and Earth. It is easy to see how they might fit in with what I have said above: Heaven or Sky has the greatest influence on our heads, Man or humanity is the concern of the heart giving us the word humane. Earth corresponds to the formative and the substance out of which our bodies are composed.
The nature of Amashen One is Love. Firstly, it opens the head, clearing a pathway free from conceptual obstructions so that love can be known. Then, awareness is invited into the heart which is the root of consciousness according to Traditional Chinese Medicine. The heart is the natural home of love. The love is then drawn into the hara where it can be turned into loving action. This process is what makes it possible to receive the other empowerments which completely transform our lives.