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May your immediate need be met. May your deepest need be met.

Unless you have received an empowerment from someone who is qualified to offer empowerments to others the techniques given here in these pages are of limited value. They merely act as receptacles of the Presence of Ama which comes with each empowerment. Once you receive the 5th empowerment you will be given the technique used to empower others with the first four empowerments.




The Shakti - the Eternal Presence of Ama - is our awakening. It enables us to represent Ama within this world of appearances. Amashen is also a gift of healing, a blessing which empowers us to use Ama’s energy to bring about the deepest possible healing. This healing unfolds within us over a period of time. Each empowerment removes an obstacle to healing, an obstacle to wholeness.


From the first empowerment, all the way through to the seventh this healing is not something that we, as individuals are responsible for. Our responsibility is to identify a need within ourselves, within others or in our environment and then ask Ama to help. Just how that healing unfolds is Ama's concern, not ours. We must trust and let go of any thoughts as to the outcome. For anyone who cares enough to want to heal, especially if that healing concerns someone we love, letting go of what the outcome might be is very difficult. Nevertheless, we need to develop the ability to release any worries we might harbour. Ama's healing can be quite mysterious. There are often several layers through which the healing must pass from the core of our Being to the surface of who we seem to be. In this way, the healing is complete. This is Ama's healing. This is Whole Healing.


This Whole Healing goes to the very root of our identity. In this process, our idea of what healing really is will be challenged. Spirit and matter, body and soul, are two sides of one reality. Spirit is rarified is that part of the soul which is visible. There is no distance between them, only the illusion of separation. This illusion is our deepest wound  and healing this wound completes us.





The first empowerment opens us to this graceful energy by creating the space within the head which transforms the relationships between different parts of the brain and the head chakras or energy centres. A connection is made between the heart and the head through which devotion and knowing, feeling and perceiving are unified. Then the heart and the head are integrated with the Hara (Hara is the Japanese word for the abdomen) which helps to ground the energy so that it can be embodied and applied practically through action.


Our whole being is flooded with grace. Energy pathways are opened up and cleansed. Blockages are removed, stagnant energy flows again and deficiencies are restored to their natural abundant state. This is the first empowerment and it takes time and perseverance. A short, simple daily practice is recommended which should be continued regularly until the seventh empowerment is received. Then Ama will guide you directly as to how and when to practice. The entire process, from the first to the seventh empowerment, takes at least seven months, but this is only possible with regular counselling and support. Otherwise, it can take a number of years to complete the process.


Everyone’s experience of Amashen is unique. As the empowerments unfold the heart centre begins to open up and the effects of past traumas are gradually released and healed, our sense of purpose is restored, we become reconnected to our own authenticity, our confidence is regained, our ability to heal others is enhanced and we find that we can help bring about our own self-healing.





Whatever the issue is, whether it is physical, emotional, psychological, circumstantial, or environmental, no matter if it is personal to you or for your family and friends, for complete strangers or for your pets or wild animals – no matter what, Amashen Two is able to meet the specific need you intend to meet. It can help with any situation at the present moment anywhere in the world. Distance does not exist for Ama and there is nothing which cannot be done providing it is what needs to be done. In Amashen we allow Ama to provide the energy to meet the need and decide what can and cannot be done. This empowerment technique can be used for any trauma which happened in the past, helping to heal the damaging effects of that trauma no matter how far back in time. It can also be used for any anticipated future event such as a visit to the dentist, surgery, exams, job interviews or any situation which generates anxiety. Just as distance is no obstacle to Ama nor is time.



The space within which Ama's grace can flow through our lives is created by the first empowerment. Amashen Two increases the potential for healing by making it more specific and covering any eventuality. There is no limit to what this empowerment can achieve. There are no temporal limitations, no spacial limitations and there is no imaginable condition or circumstance which it cannot relieve yet it remains incomplete. The next empowerment continues that process of completion.





There are seven empowerments available, each one building on the one before it. The techniques are only available to those who have asked for and received the empowerments. The first one - Love - is the prerequisite empowerment for all the following ones. It is in the space created by Amashen One that all the other ones are used. Love is the context for the whole practice. When the final empowerment in the series is received then that empowerment takes precedence over all the others and provides the context for using all the other empowerment techniques.


Each empowerment is something of a blessing, a challenge, and a mystery. As we continue our practice we discover new secrets revealed and new applications for each empowerment. It is an ongoing process of discovery in which we eventually find ourselves becoming who we are. And who we are is, and always has been Ama.





In order for the techniques to work as they are meant to the empowerments need to be received first. These are offered online when you contact us using the contact page on this website or the Amashen Facebook page. Each of the techniques for the seven empowerments, as well as a more detailed explanation of the implications of each empowerment, are given in the seven subpages which can be accessed in the drop-down menu at the top of this page. Each page is protected by a password which will be given when you receive the relevant empowerment.


You may also receive an empowerment from anyone who has received the 5th empowerment. They are authorised to give you the password for the particular empowerment page so that you may follow the instructions to use the technique.




Please do not reveal the password to anyone who has not received the relevant empowerment. The techniques, in themselves, without the empowerments, are of little value.  Thank you. 











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      "Ama" by Faisal. 3:33.


Faisal comes from a Sufi background and he offered this beautiful singing as a gift from his heart.

THE EMPOWERMENTS - Ama means Mother. Shen means Eternal Presence. Amashen is the grace of the Mother of the Heart presented to us through empowerments which enable us to use Her blessings and allow Ama's presence to be known in the world. Each Amashen empowerment is accompanied by a technique which is given upon receiving the empowerment but the technique is not the empowerment. Each empowerment works through the whole of our being which includes all the circumstances we need to face. The empowerments can be given through the internet and involve a transference of power, known in Sanskrit as Shakti. This Shakti is the Eternal Presence of Ama, her power. Each empowerment may be accompanied by a crisis of transformation, a healing crisis. This is perfectly normal and is temporary. Counselling and support will be made available if requested.


When we begin to use the Amashen empowerments  something quite simple but profound begins to happen - knots and pockets of trapped energy buried deep within us begin to loosen up and are released into the light of our awareness. Once we become aware of these issues we need to continue to release them. By letting  them go we create the space which allows even deeper knots to be untied and more pockets of stagnant energy to free up.


This process begins from the moment of the first empowerment and continues as we continue our practice. Dealing with the effects of this process of the releasing of imprisoned energy is a challenge we have to meet. Quite often we believe that the issues which arise are caused by others. This is an illusion which we need to face with complete honesty.


Within our most authentic Being, there are no others. Viewed from that authenticity other people and the external environment are merely unrecognized aspects of ourselves calling for our attention and pleading for inclusion in our wholeness.


We will constantly feel magnetically drawn back into the old patterns in which we perceive ourselves as separate individuals in a world consisting of separate things and separate Beings. It is a powerful illusion in which humanity has been trapped for Millenia and is the ultimate cause of all our conflicts from the personal to the global.


Amashen is a system of simple but profound healing techniques. It can bring healing to any condition or situation. Its deepest and greatest effect is on the divisions within us and between ourselves and all other living Beings. Deeper than that, it heals the illusion of separation between ourselves and the ultimate Source of our Being. We identify that Source as Ama - the Divine Mother.


It is from our Divine Mother that our innermost authenticity, our original and ultimate Self is born.


AMASHEN ONE – LOVE. This is the foundation which all the subsequent empowerments depend on. It serves to open us up to the energy of Ama, it clears the mind of thoughts which might impede her grace, it protects us and helps us to heal ourselves and others. After a few weeks, if the recipient feels ready, the subsequent empowerments may be requested.


AMASHEN TWO – THE CHALICE. Here, with this empowerment, the means by which we can receive specific healing from Ama or offer healing to others for any conceivable issue – physical, emotional, psychological or circumstantial is revealed. This healing is unlimited by time and space. It can be offered or received for causes, events, issues, and circumstances in the past, for anything occurring in the present moment and for any situation which we may anticipate happening in the future. Distance is of no importance either. From the perspective of Ama, all things are eternally present. 

AMASHEN THREE – LIGHT UPON LIGHT. This empowerment takes us deeper into the causes beneath the issues we deal with in A2, touching on oppression, chaotic influences and injustices. It is particularly helpful in circumstances where unwelcome psychic attachments are present. It shields us from injustice and helps to make those attachments uncomfortable so that they need to disengage with us or with those we are healing.

AMASHEN FOUR – FORGIVENESS. Once an injustice or unwelcome attachment has been dealt with the next step required is forgiveness. This helps to release complex bonds involving blame and guilt. We cannot completely release ourselves and those we heal from the causes of disease and unhappiness until freedom from blame and guilt is established. 

AMASHEN FIVE – PEACE. When we are in conflict with others and within ourselves we may feel the need for peace. In order for peace to manifest in our lives, we must become aware of how conflict arises in our lives. This may take some time so we need to be patient while peace asserts itself.

AMASHEN SIX – WISDOM. There are two types of wisdom. The first comes from experience. The second comes in the form of grace and, in its appearance, seems almost miraculous. This wisdom can happen quite suddenly or it can gradually emerge from within and it can do both. This empowerment enables vision. Here we are shown what we need to see.

AMASHEN SEVEN – AMA. This empowerment is Ama's complete embrace. Here, we are ready to surrender more completely to Ama . Really, there is nothing for us to do, as individuals. Here it is Ama who decides what to do, how it is done and when to do it. Here, we become who we always were – the Eternal Presence. This empowerment is all about the acceptance of what is, embracing what is and loving what is. Through this acceptance, through this embracing and through this love we become Ama. Remember: Ama is, and always has been, who we are but here we begin to know this. 



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