The Birthing of Who We Are

When we begin to use the empowerments of Amashen something quite simple happens - knots and pockets of trapped energy buried deep within us begin to loosen up and are released into the light of our awareness. Once we become aware of these issues we need to continue to release them. By letting go of them we create the space which allows even deeper knots to be untied and more pockets of stagnant energy to free up. This process begins from the moment of the first empowerment and continues as we continue our practice. Dealing with the effects of this process of the releasing of imprisoned energy is the greatest challenge we have to meet. Quite often we believe that the issues which arise are caused by others. This is an illusion which we need to face with complete honesty. Within our most authentic Being, there are no others. Viewed from that authenticity other people and the external environment are merely unrecognized aspects of ourselves calling for our attention and pleading for inclusion in our wholeness. We will constantly feel magnetically drawn back into the old patterns in which we perceive ourselves as separate individuals in a world consisting of separate things and separate Beings. It is a powerful spell in which humanity has been trapped for Millenia and is the cause of all conflicts from the personal to the universal. Amashen is a system of simple but profound healing techniques. It can bring healing to any condition or situation. Its deepest and greatest effect is on the divisions within us and between ourselves and all other living Beings. Deeper than that, deeper than deepest, it heals the illusion of separation between ourselves and the ultimate Source of our Being. We identify that Source as Ama - the Divine Mother. It is from our Divine Mother that our innermost authenticity, our original and ultimate Self is born.