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The Genesis of Amashen



This is a personal account of how Amashen came into being. I have tried to keep it as brief and relevant as I could while maintaining some discretion, keeping the identities of some people to myself. The only person, apart from myself, that I mention by name is Saul (not his real name). Despite some of what I say here about Saul, his contribution to the genesis of Amashen was essential. It simply could not have happened without him. It was an unfortunate necessity that an old and valuable friendship could not survive the birth-pangs of Amashen.


Usually, in telling a story, the best place to start is at the beginning but the difficulty with the genesis of Amashen is finding that beginning. The best I can do is to go back to what I now believe was my first connection with Ama. In 1980 I had a strange experience one night just as I was about to fall asleep. In that state between waking consciousness and sleep, I became aware of the vastness of space all around me and the firmament of countless stars and galaxies. Suddenly, out of one of those stars, a ray of light leapt towards me and pierced my heart like a sword. I was stunned! I didn’t know what to make of it. Had I just been attacked? What had happened?


The following day I awoke with the urge to heal the world. I had recently finished a course at the Maitreya School of Healing in London run by Lily Cornford and Ronald Leech but healing the world was not part of the curriculum. I mentioned this urge to heal the world to a healer, Saul, who had been treating me and I was invited to join a group which he formed a few weeks later which, I was told, would attend to this need to heal the world. It didn’t.


The group met each Sunday evening once a week for about three years but it became dominated by the channeling of spiritual masters who gave increasingly bland and vague guidance which, as far as I could see, failed to meet the need of the world or any other needs. I was becoming disillusioned with the group, yet there was something about it that I loved. The messages from the spiritual masters seemed increasingly irrelevant but the quality of the energy I felt was remarkable. In the final months of the group's life, I found it more and more difficult to participate in the group meditations. Other factors, including a battle of egos between the two most dominant members of the group, led to the group dissolving during 1983. Just prior to these two dominate members engaging in their ego battle they both declared that they had been given new names – spiritual names in a suitably spiritual language, Sanskrit. Part of me was quite impressed, just as I was supposed to be, but another part of me wanted to laugh. That second part eventually won out. I announced to one of them that I was changing my name from Patrick to Patrick.


I was standing in the kitchen with one of the dominant members of the group who had recently had his name changed. I laughed out loud when I told him my new name. He was not amused. It wasn’t long afterwards, maybe days or weeks – I forget, when something quite remarkable happened. 





Again, I was in that in-between state; not quite awake and not quite asleep. This state of consciousness, which paradoxically turns out not to be a state of consciousness at all, would play an important role in the unfoldment of Amashen. Normally we don’t spend long in this state, although, in ancient times and in oriental traditions it is cultivated to produce healing as well as spiritual inspiration. In Ancient Greece it was used in the healing temples of Asclepius  - the Greek god of healing and medicine and by the priesthood of Apollo for spiritual guidance as well as to produce civic laws.


In the mystical tradition of India, it is sometimes called Turiya – the consciousness which underlies the three states of waking, dreaming and sleeping. Turiya is Sanskrit for "the fourth". In the teachings of Advaita Vedanta, it is not a state of consciousness like waking, dreaming and sleeping, it is naked consciousness itself; it is pure silence. It is also called Samadhi where the mind becomes still and becomes absorbed in the Eternal Presence. In some traditions, it is known as the conscious sleeping state.


I used to slip in and out of this in-between state as a child. It has certain characteristics to it in which space, movement, and sound are transformed. There is a clarity as well as a stillness in which one becomes very alert. I think it may be this alertness which enables unusual things to happen while in this state. Something very unusual was about to happen.


She called my name.


She said “Patrick”.


That was it. I sat up in bed to see who had spoken but the room was empty. It was such a beautiful voice – I can’t begin to say just how beautiful. I needed to see this woman who had just called my name. I can tell you exactly where she must have stood – to my right just beyond the bottom right-hand corner of my bed.


But there was no one there. I sighed, lay my head down and fell asleep….  For 25 years!


Then one particularly cold and dark moonless night in January 2008 something quite remarkable happened.


She called my name.


She said “Patrick”. Once more, I sat up in bed fully expecting to see a beautiful woman. It was dark but I quickly realised that there was no one there and I lay back down. I was about to roll over and go to sleep but then I remembered that night 25 years ago. This was just too strange. I had to take it seriously. So I did.





When I say I fell asleep for 25 years I mean I simply got on with my life, as usual making plenty of mistakes and learning all the time. Underlying this period there was a growing appreciation for the Divine Feminine which quietly emerged within my heart. It wasn't something I felt the need to talk about or read about. I devoted very little head space to it but my heart was utterly committed. However, I didn't know that until much later.


The Divine Feminine is a term which covers all the varieties of divine and sacred expressions which are imagined to be and depicted as female. Some of the most popular are the Virgin Mary otherwise known as Our Lady and the Mother of God, Kali who is the black goddess worshipped by many Hindus, Aphrodite who is the Ancient Greek goddess of love, Isis of Ancient Egypt, Gaia - Goddess of the Earth and prophecy and primordial mother.


When She called my name that second time something unusual was set in motion: Each day my old healer and leader of that channeling group, Saul, came to my attention. Once a day, every day for a year, Saul came to my mind. This was so unusual I couldn't ignore it. Seeing as Saul had been my healer and spiritual mentor many years earlier, perhaps he could help me understand what this mysterious voice was all about. We had lost contact over the years and I had no idea where he lived or how to contact him so I called a mutual friend who was still in contact with him and we eventually met up. In casual conversation, the subject of hearing voices came up so I told him about the mysterious voice and he told me that he knew who it was and that She was standing behind me at that very moment. I wasn't sure what to make of that as there was no one visible behind me and I had certain reservations concerning claims made by Saul. I won't go into details here but Saul had a habit of embellishing the truth, of gilding the lily. It was good to meet up with my old friend again but, despite the respect I had for him, I was slow to swallow every word he said.


I got the impression that the source of that mysterious voice had led me to meet up with Saul. Soon that impression would become a certainty. For quite some time I was perplexed about what to call this invisible woman. Saul used terms such as "The Hub of the Wheel" and "The Boss" but neither of these appealed to me. To Saul, She was the Goddess from which all other deities emerged. It seemed strange that the source of all divinity would want to call my name.


One day, while walking my dog, I addressed Her. I said "You know my name but I don't know yours. What is your secret, most sacred name?" Immediately, in my mind, two words appeared, "I am".


Perhaps I should say a word or two about the significance of the phrase "I am". In several spiritual traditions, God is understood to be who we truly are deep down when we strip away all the identifications we have accumulated since the moment of our birth. In the Hindu Advaita Vedanta tradition, "I am That" refers to the identity of the soul (Atman) as God (Brahman). From the Old Testament, when Moses is confronted by the burning bush, a voice identifies itself with the words "I am that I am". There are other ways of translating the original Hebrew such as "I am causing to be what I am causing to be" or "I create what I create". This is what the name Yahweh means. The phrase "I am" has also become popular in certain New Age teachings. Also, in John's Gospel, Jesus responded to his critics by saying "Before Abraham was I am!". It is a curious phrase. I have never seen a translation which says it in any other way such as "Before Abraham was I was". It is also interesting that when someone points to us saying "Who are you?", they always point towards our hearts and we always point to our hearts when we want to indicate who we are. Our identities are always to be found within our hearts and not our brains and we all refer to ourselves with the expression "I am...". This "I am" is universal. All living and conscious beings share it.


Anyway, I allowed my attention to dwell on this phrase for a few weeks and I began to accept that the voice which had called me was the voice of God, albeit it in a feminine form. A few months later, Saul told me that Her name was Ama. Strictly speaking, Ama is not a name as such. It simply means Mother in Sanskrit. This brings up the thorny subject of religion and divinity which I can't really go into here except to say that Amashen is not a religion, is not connected with any religion but is open to anyone whose heart is led here regardless of beliefs.





It wasn't long before I received my first empowerment from Saul. He introduced me to it as a new form of healing. I was immediately committed even though I knew virtually nothing about it. All he could tell me was that he knew something was coming and that, after consulting an astrologer, he was told it would appear during March 2011. It was then that, while in a deep meditation, he was given the first empowerment from Ama. A few weeks later, on the 1st of May, he gave me the empowerment.


I can't explain what happened because not a lot seemed to happen, at least on the surface. Nevertheless, something very subtle changed within me and around me. 


Over the coming months, I received more empowerments. There were some meetings, a Facebook group was created and a number of dramas unfolded. It seems that it is in the nature of human beings to make things as complex and difficult for ourselves as we possibly can. This appears to be particularly true of those drawn towards healing and spirituality.


The pressure was building in the Facebook group which I had created for those who had received an empowerment. I knew something was wrong but I had no idea what it was. I sensed a stagnation. There was a lethargy in the members of the Facebook group, all of whom had received at least one empowerment. I now understand that the empowerments were bringing issues up in people; the poison within each of us was coming to the surface. This is perfectly natural in any form of healing but there was no effective support in place. We had opened Pandora's Box. We had released the pain but we had no idea how to manage it. As the creator and admin of the group I felt a lot of responsibility for what was happening but every effort I made to correct the problem was met with resentment. At first, Saul wanted nothing to do with the group but as soon as I formed it he wanted in. He did say that he didn't want to cramp my style. I told him that I wouldn't let him but I did let him. I was gradually squeezed out until I felt like Saul's patsy. I was getting the blame for everything and yet I had no real power. At first, I looked for the cause of the trouble in the lethargy of other members of the group. Then I realized that most of them felt as confused as I did. That is when I began to blame myself. What was I doing wrong? The group was dysfunctional and it was my responsibility, so it must have been my fault. Or that is what I was telling myself.


Then Saul announced that Ama had given him a new name. If you will pardon the expression, this is when the shit hit the fan. I knew that we were in trouble. Deja vu! I had seen all this before. I knew it wasn't going to end well.


Now, there is nothing wrong with people wanting to adopt or being given a spiritual name. Popes adopt a new name after they are elected into office. Sufis are given a new name when initiated as are Hindu and Buddhist devotees and students. So why did I get such a bad feeling when Saul adopted his new name? There were a few others who didn't like what was happening. Some left while some just kept their heads down. I didn't. I knew that there was something seriously wrong. I had been shown something in a dream which I shared privately with Saul. In the dream, he was supposed to meet up with me as we both made separate train journeys to the same destination but he never turned up at the rendezvous. He said he knew what the dream meant but his understanding would turn out to be very different from my own. It was a day or two later that he told everyone about his new name. My heart sank.


This story revolves around names. There was that spiritual group led by Saul in which the adoption of spiritual names inspired me to change my name  from Patrick to Patrick. Then the beautiful woman's voice called to me using my new name - "Patrick!". Now Saul had initiated another chapter with his new name. Even now, I have enormous difficulty putting into words what the implication of this was. At the time I was simply cast as a trouble-making rebel - someone who had anger issues. I did my best to communicate my foreboding to a few select members of the group but I was mostly ignored and dismissed, especially by Saul, who refused to discuss the issue with me. So, metaphorically speaking, I retreated into the hills and remained silent for six months.


Soon after my retreat into the hills, I received the 6th empowerment from Ama and I had a stunning vision in which several decades were compressed into a single moment. An entire series of events and circumstances which had puzzled me for many years suddenly became perfectly clear. It was as if I had opened a cupboard which had been filled to capacity with more than 30 years’ worth of junk. As the door opened all the junk fell out onto the floor, but instead of creating a mess, there before me, everything had fallen into perfect order. You can imagine opening up a jigsaw puzzle box and throwing it into the air only to find all the pieces falling into place to form the picture on the cover of the box.


Amashen demands from us but one thing: We are required, upon receiving the empowerments, to face the truth about ourselves. Not everyone is prepared to do that. Saul wasn't. Even as the one who helped to bring this gift into the world, Saul was unable to meet Ama's gift with complete honesty. My vision showed me why he could not face the truth and I don't blame him. It also showed me that he would never listen to me. His ego had made an all too common mistake: It had usurped the authority of the soul. In his belief that the ego needed to be repressed and denied, his ego had done the only thing it could in order to survive - it had disguised itself as the soul.  Due to Soul's inability to face the truth about himself, I had to take on his unconscious projections and that was a very unpleasant experience. I knew that our long friendship was over and that I could no longer trust him. I quietly gave up my administration of the group and, within a few weeks, on a pretext which was characteristic of some of the issues I had with Saul but had nothing much to do with Ama's gift, I was deleted from the group. That was Saul's biggest mistake. I felt deeply saddened. I could have ended that group or deleted Saul at any time but, instead, I gave him the power to get rid of me and he foolishly used that power.


That was the end.


And that was the beginning of Amashen.





Amashen wasn't always known by that name. Saul had given it a different name. There is no need to mention that name here and it would be unwise to. The empowerments have also changed - they have all been radically simplified. Anything which wasn't essential has been stripped away and only the naked truth remains. That unveiling has taken more than three years. It has been an evolution towards simplicity. Each empowerment is now offered in the simplicity intended by Ama. Also, as you will discover when you receive the empowerments, each one is simpler than the one before it. As the simplicity increases so does the power. And that power is love. That power is Ama.


And Ama had a new name ready.


Once more, Ama waited until I was in that space being asleep and being awake. That is when She gave me the new name for Her gift.


It was early in the morning as I slipped effortlessly from unconsciousness of dreamless sleep through consciousness (Turiya) and into the waking state when I heard that unmistakably beautiful voice. These are the exact words She said: "This is for those who do not know My Shen".


Shen is a word I am very familiar with. It is Chinese and is usually translated as god, spirit, mind and consciousness. It is a word which is used in the context of Chinese religion, philosophy, and traditional medicine. Curiously, when I heard Ama use this word I immediately understood it quite differently. It was as if Ama had translated it silently for me as She spoke the word. It seemed to resonate within my heart. The meaning for Shen which I was given was "Eternal Presence". It is a gift which just keeps on giving.






My mother had an expression which she used regularly until she left her mortal form which was buried in Mother Earth. It was "Mother McCree!" and it was used lightly as an exclamation when she felt particularly exasperated at the behaviour of her children. In her final years, as I was her carer, I adopted this phrase and applied it to her whenever her behaviour was particularly exasperating. It became a term of endearment. She loved to hear me calling her Mother McCree and as her sunshine finally set I increasingly loved to call her Mother McCree. Each day, in her presence, I felt loved and I knew that she knew how much I loved her. Despite the difficulties of being a full-time carer, I felt blessed by this love we shared which made up for some of the difficulties we had trying to understand each other in earlier Years. My two brothers and I were particularly blessed in having parents who never ceased in their love for us. After my father died a few years before my mother I was amazed at just how many people saw in him a father they wished they had. We were so spoilt, my brothers and I, we had no idea just how fortunate we were. We were loved.


It was only after my mother was gone that I learned what Mother McCree really meant. The expression comes from the Anglicization of the Gaelic "mo chroí" meaning "my heart". So, Mother McCree means "Mother of My Heart". If we want to find Ama this is where to look for her - in the heart. Wherever there is a heart there we will find Ama. The bigger the heart the easier it is to find Her. When a foetus forms in the womb the very first organ to form is not the brain, it is the heart.


According to tradition, Mother McCree was always evoked during times of crisis. She is everyone's mother. In Roman Catholic Ireland She is Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin and Mother of God. In pre-Christian Ireland, She was probably represented by one of the many goddesses available - Eriu, a mother goddess, after whom Ireland is named. 


I honestly cannot remember exactly how or when I came to call Ama "Mother of My Heart". I do recall thinking that is who the Mother of My Heart has always been even when I was referring to my biological mother. In a sense, all mothers are Ama. All mothers carry that quality within them. Of course, not all mothers are loving or lovable, yet they carry Ama in their hearts. Now I must add that all women, all females of all species and the Earth and the Moon and the substance of the universe and even men are Ama. I am Ama. You are Ama. Wherever we look She is ever present.


In some way, which is entirely non-rational, there is nothing that is not Ama. Wherever there is a heart, that is where we can find Ama. Each cell in our bodies and every single atom, at heart, is a mother.





It was not to be an easy pregnancy and the birthing was a labour of love.


I had created a new page on facebook during the period I was admin of the facebook group I mentioned earlier. I had felt I was being elbowed out of the way by Saul and I was. So I created a page called "Exaltation of the Soul" to provide an outlet for the inspiration which had been pouring through me since St Patrick's day 2011, just two months before receiving my first empowerment. When I was finally expelled from the group the communication virtually ended between Saul and myself. There was only one last exchange between us via email.


I was upset by the way in which I had been treated by a friend I held in high esteem. I was angry. The fact that I was angry had been turned against me in an accusation that I had "anger issues". That was disingenuous, to say the least. It is in the nature of projection that the one who is projecting is utterly convinced that they are right, that they are innocent and that the one who they are projecting onto is mistaken. In Saul's eyes, I was the one who was mistaken. I had taken the wrong path. Saul offered to step down and hand the whole of the Foundation he had created and the Facebook group and all the future work in relation to Ama over to me if what I said was true. Almost every criticism I had made was completely true. He had turned the points I had made into mere false accusations and refused to address even one of them. He went on to say that Ama did not want him to stand down. In one breath he offered me everything he had been given by Ama and, in the same breath, snatched it away again. But, it wasn't his to give. Ama's gift is Hers alone to give and She had a surprise in store.



Until that moment I had never once considered the possibility of asking Saul to stand down and I had no intention of taking over from him. Yet, his words contained a seed of truth. I felt that the way in which Saul had handled the Foundation, the Facebook group and earlier websites was amazingly inept. His heart never seemed to be in it. My heart was fully committed, which is why I felt so frustrated by his half-heartedness. I knew that, despite the fact that I had very little experience, I could do a better job. Someone had to do a better job! Ama deserves our whole heart.


I waited two and a half years before I created this website. In the meantime, I used Facebook to reach a few friends and I offered them the new, transformed empowerments which had been handed by Ama to me. I was not sure if they would work but, to my delight, the worked better than ever. The superfluous additions which were Sail's embellishments had been stripped away and the empowerments flourished in their simplified forms. Gone were the complex restrictions of facing a specific direction, not wearing any electrical devices, not using A1 on recipients with a pacemaker. Gone were the complicated visualizations which were completely irrelevant. Gone was the need for occult phrases, in a language only Saul knew, to activate each empowerment. Many other additions were left behind. It was like stripping back layers of old varnish which had hidden the simple beauty of the original surface beneath.


Saul has been a practitioner of magic as well as being a healer. In my view, there are two types of magic and they are not black magic and white magic. Magicians will never admit that their magic is black. It is always someone else's magic that is considered evil. There are two types of magic: The magic of the ego, which has personal objectives and the power used is the power of charm or charisma. Then there is the magic of the soul. The purpose of soul magic is transpersonal and the power used is grace. It is very easy for magicians to deceive themselves that they are working with the soul's energy when they are really working with ego energy. And this is not just an issue for those who consciously use magic. We can all easily mistake the one for the other. This is due to the fact that they are one and the same. The ego is simply that aspect of the soul still submerged in ignorance. When the ego becomes transparent to transcendence the light of the soul shines and the ego, as a separate self, is seen through.


Despite what skeptics like to say, magic exists and never went away when the modern age was born. It simply disguised itself. The first type of magic - ego magic - is very common: We see it in our politicians, pop stars. movie stars, TV personalities, advertising, multinational corporations, charismatic religious preachers, etc.. It can also be found among the ritual magicians of occult literature. Saul was one of the latter. His ego magic had contaminated his work with Ama and I had the misfortune of discovering that fact. I was not going to be allowed to get away with that. And I didn't. I paid a high price for my integrity. If he would be asked his opinion, Saul would doubtlessly give an entirely different account of these events. He would say that the Ama I am presenting here is not the true Ama which sounds so much like what competing religions say about each other. There is only one Ama and the Ama Saul knows is the same Ama I know. 


Amashen is soul magic. It originates in the Anima Mundi - the soul of the universe - which is Ama and it flows through the human heart because of Ama's Eternal Presence there as the Mother of the Heart.


There are a number of people I would like to thank for their support throughout this difficult process. Their names shall remain safely hidden in my heart but they know who they are.


From my heart, thank you.





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      "Ama" by Faisal. 3:33.


Faisal comes from a Sufi background and he offered this beautiful singing as a gift from his heart.

THE EMPOWERMENTS - Ama means Mother. Shen means Eternal Presence. Amashen is the grace of the Mother of the Heart presented to us through empowerments which enable us to use Her blessings and allow Ama's presence to be known in the world. Each Amashen empowerment is accompanied by a technique which is given upon receiving the empowerment but the technique is not the empowerment. Each empowerment works through the whole of our being which includes all the circumstances we need to face. The empowerments can be given through the internet and involve a transference of power, known in Sanskrit as Shakti. This Shakti is the Eternal Presence of Ama, her power. Each empowerment may be accompanied by a crisis of transformation, a healing crisis. This is perfectly normal and is temporary. Counselling and support will be made available if requested.


When we begin to use the Amashen empowerments  something quite simple but profound begins to happen - knots and pockets of trapped energy buried deep within us begin to loosen up and are released into the light of our awareness. Once we become aware of these issues we need to continue to release them. By letting  them go we create the space which allows even deeper knots to be untied and more pockets of stagnant energy to free up.


This process begins from the moment of the first empowerment and continues as we continue our practice. Dealing with the effects of this process of the releasing of imprisoned energy is a challenge we have to meet. Quite often we believe that the issues which arise are caused by others. This is an illusion which we need to face with complete honesty.


Within our most authentic Being, there are no others. Viewed from that authenticity other people and the external environment are merely unrecognized aspects of ourselves calling for our attention and pleading for inclusion in our wholeness.


We will constantly feel magnetically drawn back into the old patterns in which we perceive ourselves as separate individuals in a world consisting of separate things and separate Beings. It is a powerful illusion in which humanity has been trapped for Millenia and is the ultimate cause of all our conflicts from the personal to the global.


Amashen is a system of simple but profound healing techniques. It can bring healing to any condition or situation. Its deepest and greatest effect is on the divisions within us and between ourselves and all other living Beings. Deeper than that, it heals the illusion of separation between ourselves and the ultimate Source of our Being. We identify that Source as Ama - the Divine Mother.


It is from our Divine Mother that our innermost authenticity, our original and ultimate Self is born.


AMASHEN ONE – LOVE. This is the foundation which all the subsequent empowerments depend on. It serves to open us up to the energy of Ama, it clears the mind of thoughts which might impede her grace, it protects us and helps us to heal ourselves and others. After a few weeks, if the recipient feels ready, the subsequent empowerments may be requested.


AMASHEN TWO – THE CHALICE. Here, with this empowerment, the means by which we can receive specific healing from Ama or offer healing to others for any conceivable issue – physical, emotional, psychological or circumstantial is revealed. This healing is unlimited by time and space. It can be offered or received for causes, events, issues, and circumstances in the past, for anything occurring in the present moment and for any situation which we may anticipate happening in the future. Distance is of no importance either. From the perspective of Ama, all things are eternally present. 

AMASHEN THREE – LIGHT UPON LIGHT. This empowerment takes us deeper into the causes beneath the issues we deal with in A2, touching on oppression, chaotic influences and injustices. It is particularly helpful in circumstances where unwelcome psychic attachments are present. It shields us from injustice and helps to make those attachments uncomfortable so that they need to disengage with us or with those we are healing.

AMASHEN FOUR – FORGIVENESS. Once an injustice or unwelcome attachment has been dealt with the next step required is forgiveness. This helps to release complex bonds involving blame and guilt. We cannot completely release ourselves and those we heal from the causes of disease and unhappiness until freedom from blame and guilt is established. 

AMASHEN FIVE – PEACE. When we are in conflict with others and within ourselves we may feel the need for peace. In order for peace to manifest in our lives, we must become aware of how conflict arises in our lives. This may take some time so we need to be patient while peace asserts itself.

AMASHEN SIX – WISDOM. There are two types of wisdom. The first comes from experience. The second comes in the form of grace and, in its appearance, seems almost miraculous. This wisdom can happen quite suddenly or it can gradually emerge from within and it can do both. This empowerment enables vision. Here we are shown what we need to see.

AMASHEN SEVEN – AMA. This empowerment is Ama's complete embrace. Here, we are ready to surrender more completely to Ama . Really, there is nothing for us to do, as individuals. Here it is Ama who decides what to do, how it is done and when to do it. Here, we become who we always were – the Eternal Presence. This empowerment is all about the acceptance of what is, embracing what is and loving what is. Through this acceptance, through this embracing and through this love we become Ama. Remember: Ama is, and always has been, who we are but here we begin to know this. 



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