Alongside the healing which Amashen offers there is also a catalyst for the awakening of consciousness. Spiritual awakening is a big surprise. That is why it never corresponds with our preconceptions of it. Sometimes people wake up and don't even realise they are awake.
We might find that we are surprised by our spiritual awakening. It never seems to be what we expect. Yet, the surprise includes just how familiar awakening is. It is our natural state, our birthright. There is always a delightful paradox to awakening - we are body-bound individuals and we are boundless cosmic beings. And if our awakening does not inspire love and compassion it is incomplete.
There seem to be two causes of awakening:
One. The yearning to awaken, to be happy, to love, to be whole, to become who we already are deep down, to fulfil our birthright and to know this and manifest it in our lives. Without this kind of yearning, in all probability, nothing will happen.
Two. An offering of grace from Ama, as Mother of Awareness, in response to our yearning. This Divine grace comes to meet the inner yearning in its own time. There is nothing we can do as individuals to make this happen.
As a result, ego is seen through which does not mean that ego is dead or does not exist - it just no longer sits on the throne of Selfhood. The ego is that sense of selfhood that we all have in common which says "I am". It is like a bubble of consciousness which appears to be distinct from our surroundings and from others. This sense of separate individuality appeared soon after we were born. It was our first opinion, the one around which all subsequent opinions gathered.
Ego is like a window with a poster glued onto it which says "I am". This is our first opinion. As time goes by more and more labels are glued onto the window and these labels define who we are, what we like and don't like, what we do, our nationality, what we believe and don't believe and all other forms of identification. Over a period of time, these identifications may become loosened because of our yearning and due to transcendent experiences which may be spontaneous or because of our spiritual practices. However we choose to define it, this sense of identity eventually becomes transparent and is seen through. Some say that the ego dies or that it never really existed. To me, if a window can be seen through then it must exist. In my view, the ego is who we are when we don't know who we are and when we know who we are, who we are is the soul. There is only one Self. When it is seen as limited and separate, it is an ego but when it is seen through and known as limitless it is the soul. Ego and soul are two sides of one coin. One is condensed into a body while the other expands to fill the cosmos.
The purpose of Amashen, in relation to awakening, is to clear away obstacles to knowing who we are and to prepare us for the responsibility which spiritual awakening brings. Too many self-declared enlightened spiritual teachers behave in a manner which disregards the moral values of society. The claim is that they are above and beyond such moral codes but the truth is that they are more often addicted to power, money or sex because they have not done the preparatory work before awakening. If awakening occurs before that work is complete it must continue afterwards.
Although we are all One, we are also unique individuals, not so much a part of the One, the Whole, but that Oneness imparted wholly. There is no part of Wholeness which does not contain all of that Wholeness. That which surrounds us in the heavens can also be found in the heart of everything. Through this gift, we are being invited to rediscover this truth and plant our knowing into our hearts, and if we already know this truth then this gift reinforces that knowing. It is important to realise that Amashen is designed specifically for you. It is tailored to match the stage of growth you have reached and the degree you can be a conduit for the blessings of Ama. However, the appearance of the outward Empowerment and Practice is the same for every recipient - yet the experience you have and your individual development will be different. They will be unique to you.
The door to your inner heart is open or closed to varying degrees which can be attributed to the type of experiences you have encountered over this lifetime and how you have come to understand, love, nurture and grow within them. Behind the door to the inner heart is a Realm of Limitless Love waiting for you – this Love is you; it is who you are. We are conditioned to think of ourselves as finite individuals and that is true up to a point, but there is more truth awaiting us and it can be compared to the great truth of a mighty oak tree which replaces the lesser truth of the acorn. The potential for the great oak tree has always been present in the acorn but that acorn must sacrifice its limitations if the oak is to emerge from its shell and become who it has always meant to be. Through Amashen we are given the opportunity to become who we are meant to be, we become ourselves. That Self is the Eternal Presence.
Remember to be kind to yourself, be gentle. Amashen is not a shortcut to spiritual awakening or healing. Give yourself some space and right to grow into who you truly are. Take the time to savour and honour all you experience. AMA is there to accompany you every step of the way. Talk to Her. She is always available if you call from your heart. Listen to Her. She wants you to hear Her voice in the silence. Ama is always available because She is who we are.
You may find that the empowerment you have been given doesn’t seem to do what you might expect it to do and you may find yourself questioning the authenticity of the technique, your ability to do it properly or the very existence of Ama. This is all perfectly normal. Why should you believe in something which has yet to prove itself? The answer is that, by trusting in the gift itself, the power for it to work is released within your heart. By distrusting it that power is effectively blocked. If you approach Amashen with the assumption that it is trustworthy and open yourself wholeheartedly and enthusiastically you will begin to notice results. Amashen gives to us in direct proportion to how we give of ourselves.
Wholeheartedness and enthusiasm are close companions. One cannot exist without the other. So, while our earthbound, physical, human nature can occasionally convince us of an illusory unworthiness and inadequacy, our heavenly-bound, spiritual and divine nature takes a very different view. From that perspective, we are already and eternally complete - we are whole. We are completely worthy and wholly adequate. All we need to do is recognize that fact.
Normally, these things are easier said than done but, in the case of this recognition of inner worthiness, it is the words that fail because, with wholeheartedness and enthusiasm, everything we do becomes effortless yet cannot be adequately explained.
Not only does Amashen help is to know that we are more than we have assumed ourselves to be, it also brings us to the recognition that there is no distance between ourselves and Ama. The separate ego is seen through and is known as the soul and the soul, in turn, is released from its bondage to separation and reunited with its Mother Self who is Ama.